Living without sand?
Climate change coming for us all, a good, creative life, the new Zelda, my fake podcast store, and plenty of podcasts and links to make you think.
Welcome to Hurt Your Brain #184, the place to get podcasts and links that will make you think.
Important update. My son hasn’t unsubscribed yet (give him time). With that said, happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.
Also, had a nice sudden flood of subscribers last week. Welcome everyone and I would love to know who pointed you my way!
As a reminder, the main link for podcasts goes to the page, and I’ve also started embedding Apple links (when they work!).
Onwards to the recommendations.
The Big Idea: A new show about climate change and the things we might soon be living without. This show has immediately landed in my non-fiction sweet spot of being well-produced and fascinating.
Did you know besides water, sand is the number one used resource on the planet? Billions of tons every year are used in making concrete, glass, and other construction materials. And what do you know? We are running out of it.
The second episode on coffee is also really good.
Shoutout to Podcast Delivery where I first heard about Without.
[Apple Podcasts link won’t embed unfortunately].
What is a Good Life? #20 - Living A Creative Life with Pejman (PJ) Milani
The Big Idea: An excellent listen for anyone pursuing creative interests on the side. The tension between achieving more and being enough is a real one, and PJ lays down some really helpful thoughts.
Cortex: Apple Vision Pro – Experiencing the Future
The Big Idea: Regardless of your feelings on the device, this is an excellent review of the $3500 Apple Vision Pro. It’s a big question if anyone will care when it goes on sale next year, but this one podcast is a great way to learn everything you need to know about it.
It sounds like a technical marvel with stunning eye tracking and user interface, and a game changing entertainment experience. The negatives are that it’s heavy and the FaceTime functionality is not quite there. Also, all these headsets of course look ridiculous on your face.
I won’t be getting one of these anytime soon, but after listening to this I actually do understand the price tag.
Today Explained: How Zelda changed gaming
The Big Idea: Hearing WNYC podcast producer Amy Pearl (10 Things That Scare Me) — who is a non-gamer — discuss her love for the new Zelda game is pretty heart warming and special. What’s even better is that the host isn’t into the game at all and she tries selling him on it.
On a side note, I’ve been having a blast playing this new one with my son. It’s so good (of course).
From the Hurt Your Brain archives (edition # 80)
Ologies: Etymology (WORD ORIGINS) with Helen Zaltzman of The Allusionist podcast. Host Alie Ward is one of my favorite interviewers, and I implore you to look through the feed of this show to find an "ology" that you want to learn more about. Plus its always a treat to learn from Helen Zaltzman.
About 70% of English has Latin roots, which in turn has lots of greek influence.
"Mediocre" is Zaltzman's favorite word origin, which means "halfway up a jagged hill".
French is a prescriptive language with an institution that dictates the correct usage of a word, unlike something like English that naturally morphs uncontrollably.
There are many delightful post-production interjections from host Alie Ward on the etymology of random words they say.
People frequently think Helen studies insects.
I contributed a podcast playlist around LGBTQ+ allyship in the workplace to the Sounds Like Impact newsletter. I would love for you to check it out and to let me know what you think. Happy Pride month!
A podcast playlist for when you’re sitting on a park bench. I drew this image for Shreya’s latest niche playlist. Check it out!
How Nintendo solved Zelda’s open world problem. Had to share one more thing about Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Pretty great video. Nintendo is such an interesting company with their approach to games.
One of the most compelling (and fun) versions of the game of telephone I’ve seen. It’s not with words, but a dramatic gesture. It all makes me want to try this non-verbal version.
VISUALS (follow me on Instagram)
A sign I would sell if I had a podcast themed store.
Also, my podcast Dad joke.
What is your best joke? A thread I’m sharing in honor of Dads and their jokes.
Another day, another animal I had no idea existed and might as well be out of sci-fi.
Alright that’s all for today. Please like or comment (or reply) if you want to share any comments. See you next time.
It was so nice to have you guest curate! Also Sand has been on my list to check out, so glad to see it here as a reminder!